
Heart and Soul was created by members of Kensington Unitarians and the practice of holding these gatherings is spreading to other Unitarian groups around the UK. Our gatherings are open to those of all faiths and none – we do not make assumptions about your personal theology – and all people of goodwill are most welcome to come along.

Online Gatherings – How to Sign Up:

A network of Unitarians in the UK and beyond are offering ONLINE Heart and Soul gatherings several times a week using Zoom. Please check the list of forthcoming gatherings below and email the leader to sign up. Numbers for each gathering are usually limited to twelve but more and more gatherings are being offered on different days and times by a number of different facilitators (and we all have slightly different styles) so we hope that you will be able to find a convenient opportunity to experience Heart and Soul from the comfort of your home.

Thursday 25th July, 7.30pm – ‘Losing’ with Laura (lm.dobson@outlook.com)

Friday 26th July, 7pm – ‘Losing‘ with Jane (jane@kensington-unitarians.org.uk)

Sunday 28th July, 7.30pm – ‘Losing’ with Mark (reverendhutch@gmail.com)

Thursday 1st August, 7.30pm – ‘Meaning-Making’ with Laura (lm.dobson@outlook.com

Friday 2nd August, 7pm – ‘Meaning-Making’ with Jane (jane@kensington-unitarians.org.uk)

Sunday 4th August, 7.30pm – ‘Meaning-Making’ with Mark (reverendhutch@gmail.com)